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Singapore Eat: Manchurian Lamb HotPot (满族全羊铺) @ Chinatown

Manchurian Lamb HotPot (满族全羊铺), located along Chinatown Food Street, is a restaurant serving authentic Manchurian cuisines with the most variety of lamb delicacies — using lambs imported from New Zealand. The restaurant is not to be missed by mutton-lovers.

Manchurian Lamb HotPot (满族全羊铺)

Manchurian Lamb HotPot's signature dish is the Lamb Spine Hot Pot (羊蝎锅) served in a metal basin. The chunky meat on the spinal bone retained its gaminess and very tender. There are bone marrows in the centre of the cut bones too. The hot broth is rich and tasty — added with flavours from the corianders.

Lamb Spine Hot Pot (羊蝎锅)

The lamb hotpot series has other variants, including braised lamb (红焖羊肉锅) or spicy braised lamb (香辣红焖羊肉锅). Side dishes, such as vegetables, mushrooms, bean curds, etc, can also be added to the hot pot once it is boiled.

Braised lamb (红焖羊肉锅) or spicy braised lamb (香辣红焖羊肉锅) hotpot

Not to be missed is the mouth-watering BBQ Lamb Ribs (宫廷锡纸烤羊排). The juicy tender ribs with aromatic spices are astonishingly delicious and is truly how lamb meat should taste like. It's a dish to savour and keep in the mouth as long as you can.

BBQ Lamb Ribs (宫廷锡纸烤羊排)

Apart from lamb hotpots, the restaurant serves roasted whole lamb (努尔哈赤烤全羊) too. It will probably take a 10-men team to tackle a whole lamb!

On a smaller scale, go for the Khan Roast Leg of Lamb (大汗烤羊腿), which is about 2Kg in weight. The roasted chunky lamb leg, served cut or uncut, has a more natural taste with roasty flavours (dipping spices served separately).

Khan Roast Leg of Lamb (大汗烤羊腿)

Manchurian Lamb HotPot also serves other Chinese dishes and seafood other than the lamb dishes.


18 Smith Street, Singapore 058932

Opening Hours:

10:30am to 10:30pm | Daily

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